Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Arizona shooting by 9 year old girl

A horrible tragedy occurred in northern Arizona on Monday when a nine year old girl accidentally killed a shooting instructor with an Uzi.

The girl lost her control over the automatic submachine gun. She was at shooting range with her parents and was receiving instructions that how to use an Uzi. During her training when she pulled the trigger, she recoiled caused the gun to fly over her head.
A bullet struck her 39 year old instructor Charles Vacca in his head and he died.

The name of the outdoor shooting range is Bullets and Burgers Adventure where this happening occurred. The place is called Arizona Last Stop and it is located on Hwy 93 in White Hills, near the Nevada border.

It is dangers to allow the child for handling automatic weapons. Children have no growth mind to handle these automatic machines and now this girl will always remember killing of a man.  

Now the question arises who are responsible for this incident. One time we will ask ourselves; why would a shooting range allow a kid to handle an automatic weapon? Why would a parent? And, most importantly, why would a state?   

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