Monday, May 26, 2014

The Normal Heart premieres on HBO

"The Normal Heart," new version established on HBO on Sunday. It is based on Larry Kramer's 1985 play about the start of the AIDS crisis. 

This movie gives us a fairly devastating look at the HIV/AIDS crisis and it is struck the gay community in New York in early 1980.

The film, directed by Ryan Murphy, featured with Mark Ruffalo as Ned Weeks, including Julia Roberts as a doctor who essentially made it her life's mission to understand and treat the disease, and Matt Bomer as the New York Times reporter who became the love of Ned's life. Taylor Kitsch, Johnathan Groff, Alfred Molina.

Ryan Murphy did such a wonderful job; it shows the hideous ravages of AIDS. A gay Jewish-American writer who spoke very loudly and publicly about the disease to help educate the public at a time when many nurses and doctors refused to even enter the same room as a patient exhibiting symptoms. 

When the film opens, AIDS was unknown. By the end, the final sentence reminds: "Since 1981, more than 36 million worldwide have died. More than 6,000 people every day are infected with the virus."     

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